
  LOCEN-ISTC-CNR launches Round 2 of the robotic competition "REAL 2020", organised within the European Project "GOAL-Robots: Goal-based Open-ended learning Autonomous Learn

Progetto finanziato dalla Agenzia Spaziale Europea in risposta al Bando Speciale “SPACE IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 OUTBREAK”

Yesterday, ECAI Chairs announced that the paper entitled "Lifted Heuristics for Timeline-based Planning" authored by Riccardo De Benedictis and Amedeo is in the list of Distinguished papers at 

It's our pleasure to announce that Child Neuropsychology has recently published a research article authored by Dr. Laura Sparaci (ISTC LaCAM).

National Emergency Library to ProvideDigitized Books to Students and the Public


This is a survey for all services developing/practicing Open Dialogue worldwide to describe their organizational characteristics.

This webinar presented PROTON-S and PROTON Wizard, two of t

This is a postgraduate

There is an increasing amount of interest in Open Dialogue around the world.

An International collaborative multicentre researchto support the Open Dialogue Learning Community

A research team from the University of Sheffield and the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the National Research Council (CNR) has discovered, thanks to a mathematical mode