Eight Open Calls for the FAIR Project

We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) is now accepting applications for eight open calls for carrying out scientific research within the large Foundational AI project “Future Artificial Intelligence Research – FAIR".
Below, you will find all the necessary links to access detailed information for each open call:
Call 1: Researcher. Location: Rome. Duration: 18 months extendable to 24. Deadline June 26, 2023. Reference person: Vito Trianni (CINARS), https://istc.cnr.it/en/group/cinars
Hybrid collective intelligence systems for decision support in complex open-ended problems. Designing and implementing a hybrid collective intelligence system exploiting the interaction between human experts and artificial agents based on knowledge graphs and ontologies for knowledge representation, integration and reasoning. Designing and implementing algorithms for the aggregation of opinions that exploit domain knowledge structured as knowledge graphs. Developing artificial agents through modern Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques. Devising solutions to complex problems in interaction with human experts.
Call 2: Researcher. Location: Rome. Duration: 18 months extendable to 24. Deadline June 26, 2023. Reference person: Giovanni Pezzulo (CONAN), https://istc.cnr.it/en/group/conan-0
Computational models based on probabilistic inference and information theory for: 1) the study of neural dynamics and behavior, with particular references to the characterization of spontaneous brain activity and predictive processes in perception and action (predictive coding and active inference), and 2) the realization of AI agents that use biologically motivated methods to realize dynamic generative models of sensorimotor experience (grounded world models) capable of supporting inference, time series prediction and planning.
Call 3: Researcher. Location: Rome. Duration: 18 months extendable to 24. Deadline June 30, 2023. Reference person: Gianluca Baldassarre (LENAI), https://istc.cnr.it/en/group/lenai
Designing and implementing autonomous robot controllers based on open-ended learning methodologies.
Call 4: Researcher. Location: Rome. Duration: 12 months extendable to 24. Deadline July 6, 2023. Reference person: Giulia Andrighetto (LABSS), http://labss.istc.cnr.it/
Study of social norms and their dynamics. How social norms promote cooperation in hybrid systems including both humans and artificial agents, how to measure them and what strategies to adopt to foster social change, using available theoretical and experimental tools from philosophy, social psychology, economics, philosophy and sociology.
Call 5: Researcher. Location: Rome. Duration: 12 months extendable to 24. Deadline July 6, 2023. Reference person: Angelo Oddi (PST), https://istc.cnr.it/en/group/pst
Development of models and techniques for goal-oriented control systems in robotics. Methods include automatic planning, human-robot interaction and machine learning. The main goal is: to develop original models and algorithms to enable a robotic system to autonomously achieve extrinsic objectives; to represent in an appropriate symbolic form new skills learned while exploring the environment and/or interacting with humans; to use symbolic reasoning skills to enhance the autonomous acquisition of new skills.
Call 6: Researcher. Location: Catania. Duration: 24 months. Deadline July 6, 2023. Reference person: Aldo Gangemi (STLab), http://stlab.istc.cnr.it/stlab/
Design, automated extraction, evaluation and implementation of multilevel knowledge graphs (sensorimotor, social, abstract) for heterogeneous grounded world models (e.g., spatial, temporal, causal). Integration into hybrid streams of automated reasoning and machine learning.
Call 7: Researcher. Location: Rome. Duration: 12 months extendable to 24. Deadline July 6, 2023. Reference person: Stefano Borgo (LOA), http://loa.istc.cnr.it
Design and implementation of algorithms for alignment and integration of heterogeneous data sources with foundational ontologies (DOLCE). Investigating formal properties to characterize alignment patterns that preserve the information and semantics of the initial system. Development and formalization of concepts and databases useful for ontologically modeling the behavior of agents; their interactions with their surroundings; their understanding of the scenario in which they find themselves
Call 8: Research Engineer. Location: Rome. Duration: 12 months extendable to 24. Deadline: June 22, 2023. Reference person: Rino Falcone (T3), https://istc.cnr.it/en/group/t3
Conceptualization, development and experimentation of cognitive architectures for human-machine interaction with robots aimed at intelligent collaboration to satisfy explicit and implicit purposes of the user, and taking into account the conditions and dynamics of the context (physical, social, regulatory and ethical). Such architectures will have to be able to support interaction with different levels of trust and determine specific autonomies of the participating agents in a framework of adaptability and dynamics of goals (adjustable autonomy and control)