
“Scrivere la LIS con il SignWriting - Manuale introduttivo” (1° ed. 2011)

Translation in Italian and adaptation to Italian Sign Language (LIS) of Valerie Sutton’s manual “Lessons in Sign Writing”
Edited by: A. Di Renzo, L. Lamano, T. Lucioli, B. Pennacchi, G. Gianfreda, G. Petitta, C. Savina Bianchini, P. Rossini, E. Antinoro Pizzuto.

Questionnaire “Il Primo Vocabolario del Bambino”

Italian version of the MacArthur CDI – “Il Primo Vocabolario del Bambino”
M. C. Caselli, A. Bello, P. Rinaldi, S. Stefanini, P. Pasqualetti

“Essere Sordo Oggi” (To be Deaf today)

Ten short interviews with deaf professionals in the world of work. Made in collaboration with Unicredit