Gamified discrimination tests for speech therapy applications

The integrity of phonetic perception abilities is necessary for a normal functioning future speech development. Since the ability to discriminate linguistic sounds is typically associated to the correct acquisition and production of the same sounds, an alteration of this ability could contribute to the onset of speech and language disorders (Brancalioni et al., 2012). Support for presenting discrimination tests to young children (5- and 6-years-old), however, is provided when gamified settings are put in place. Moreover, moving beyond static tests in favour of dynamically generated ones may help personalise the test. In this work, we propose an acoustic discrimination test as the first step for the creation of a renovated Italian Literacy Tutor. Presented results show promising indications concerning the application of the proposed approach both from the user experience and from the reporting point of view.

Publication type: 
Contributo in volume
Author or Creator: 
Origlia A.
Rodà A.
Zmarich C.
Cosi P.
Nigris S.
Colavolpe B.
Brai I.
Leorin C.
AISV, Milano, ITA
Il parlato nel contesto naturale - Speech in natural context, edited by Vietti A., Spreafico L., Mereu D., Galatà V., pp. 195–216. Milano: AISV, 2018
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Origlia A., Rodà A., Zmarich C., Cosi P., Nigris S., Colavolpe B., Brai I., Leorin C./titolo:Gamified discrimination tests for speech therapy applications/titolo_volume:Il parlato nel contesto naturale - Speech in natural contex
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ISTC Author: 
Claudio Zmarich's picture
Real name: 
Piero Cosi's picture
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