A formalization of Ashok Goel's SBF concept of function

We formalize within the dolce foundational ontology the Structure-Behavior-Function model (sbf) proposed by Ashok K. Goel and colleagues. Our work focuses in particular on the notion of function. This work on sbf is part of a larger project that includes the formalization of the concepts of function by Chandrasekaran and Josephson and by Stone and Wood. The overall goal is to make engineering functional descriptions of technical artifacts based on different concepts of function, exchangeable by separately formalizing these different concepts in a single ontological framework. The formalization is a necessary step towards the development of an integrated information system for engineering design.

Publication type: 
Contributo in atti di convegno
Author or Creator: 
Borgo, Stefano
Carrara, Massimiliano
Garbacz, Pawel
Vermaas, Pieter E.
M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen., Aachen, Germania
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence & Design, pp. 9–20, Ferrara, 22/09/2015
Resource Identifier: 
ISTC Author: 
Stefano Borgo's picture
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