Needs-driven OWL Ontology for Public services The Needs-Driven Services (NDS) Ontology, built upon DOLCE-CORE*, provides a structured framework for representing needs-driven services using Protégé-OWL. This ontology serves as a foundation for service designers, enabling them to connect needs with services by adopting a means-end reasoning perspective. It places particular emphasis on the mental states of citizens, allowing designers to model how services address specific needs.Central to the ontology is a mental framework of needs, where "to need" is treated as an intentional verb, i.e. a verb that reflects thoughts about entities functioning as intentional objects. The ontology explicitly distinguishes between various senses of the term "need" and clarifies their relationships to services.In addition to modeling needs, the ontology also enables service designers to account for citizens’ mental states of desire related to services. This dual focus on needs and desires ensures a nuanced approach to service design that aligns closely with citizens’ mental and psychological states.OWL engineering by Luca Biccheri with contributions by Daniele Porello and Roberta Ferrario( *