Anneke Slis is interested in lower-level articulatory behaviour in neurobiologically healthy
speakers and individuals with motor speech disorders. Since completing her PhD at the
University of Toronto, Oral Dynamics Lab, focussing on articulatory speech errors and the
availability of auditory feedback on the occurrence of these errors, she continued her career as
a postdoctoral researcher at several institutes in Europe and the United States, investigating
limb and articulatory control in people who stutter and dysarthric speakers.
In July 2024, she joined CNR to work together with dr. Claudio Zmarich, dr. Vincenzo Galata and dr. Barbara Gili
Fivela on the PRIN project investigating the articulatory organization of the Italian syllable in
healthy and pathological speech. In this project, articulatory behaviour of speakers who stutter
and dysarthric speakers diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease is investigated under several
fluency-enhancing conditions.