Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web

After being hosted for ten years in Cercedilla, Spain, the prestigious “Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web” (SSSW) moves this year into an even more suggestive place: the beautiful village of Bertinoro, near Bologna, in Italy. This year the school is directed by Valentina Presutti from CNR, Mathieu d’Aquin from the Open University and Oscar Corcho from UPM.
Since 2003, the school is a landmark and an established event for the community of researchers in semantic web and offers a stimulating and pleasant formative experience.
From the very beginning, the school pioneered an innovative pedagogical approach, which combines theory and practice, and adds teamwork and a competitive element to the mix.
Numerous speakers and mentors will accompany the 60 participants, throughout the week and will establish informal relations. The school, in fact, aims at inserting students into the research environment, providing not only technical knowledge but also access to a network of academic and industrial experts.
The event will take place in July 5 through 11 and will have as protagonists 60 students, selected among the best PhD students and young researchers in the area, who will be assisted by a group of renown international researchers: Claudia D'Amato (University of Bari, IT), Mathieu d'Aquin (Knowledge Media Institute of the The Open University, UK), Laura Hollink (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, NL), Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES), Philippe Cudré-Mauroux (eXascale Infolab at the University of Fribourg, CH), Frank van Harmelen (VU, NL), Roberto Navigli (Università “La Sapienza”, IT), Axel Ngonga Ngomo (AKSW at the University of Leipzig, DE), Axel Polleres (Wien University, AT), Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz-Landau, DE), Maria-Esther Vidal (Universidad Simón Bolívar, VE), and Valentina Presutti (Semantic Technology Lab of ISTC-CNR, IT).
Numerous sponsors supported and made possible the realization of SSSW: CNR, Open University, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, The Network Institute, BiCi, MyLider, MKSmart, BabelNet, Ontology EngineerIng Group, Reply Whitehall, The Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, LODIE.
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