Fit4MedRob: Fit for Medical Robotics


44 mesi per rivoluzionare i modelli assistivi e riabilitativi

Un’iniziativa del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, Direzione generale della ricerca. Avviso per la concessione di finanziamenti destinati ad iniziative di ricerca per tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale. Piano nazionale per gli investimenti complementari al Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza – DL 6 maggio 2021, n. 59, convertito con modificazioni dalla L 1° luglio 2021, n. 101 - Iniziative di ricerca per tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale - PNC0000007




Fit for Medical Robotics s.c.a.r.l.

CF:16922791005 - Partita IVA:16922791005

Sede legale:

c/o Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 - 00185 Roma, Italia


Fit for Medical Robotics aims to revolutionize current rehabilitation and assistive models for people of all ages with reduced or absent motor, sensory, or cognitive functions, by means of novel (bio)robotic and allied digital technologies and of continuum of care paradigms that can take advantage of the novel technologies in all the phases of the rehabilitation process, from the prevention up to the home care in the chronic phase. This will be possible by carefully identifying the unmet needs of patients and healthcare practitioners, and by tackling them with current and novel (bio)robotic/bionic technologies, via multi-centric clinical trials jointly conceived by bioengineers, neuroscientists, physiatrists, psychologists and functional/preventive limb surgeons. Such a new continuum-of-care paradigm will start from the prevention and will target all phases of the disease, from acute (bed-side) to chronic (home-rehabilitation) and will contribute to the design of new pre-habilitation protocols and of diagnostic tools for fragile individuals or workers exposed to occupational diseases or repetitive stresses. Fit for Medical Robotics will focus both on already available technologies not yet fully validated, and on emerging technologies or breaking-through ideas to be explored throughout the project. Hence, foundational studies, involving new materials, algorithms, smart sensing and actuation technologies, as well as sustainable power sources, will sought to overcome the limitations of current robotic solutions, which have prevented their massive spread as physical care providers, in order to pave the way to the next generation of biomedical robotic systems. Not less important, the clinical, scientific, and technologic efforts will be matched on the policy, regulatory and organizational sides in order to accelerate the setup of an adequate framework apt to incorporate (in a sustainable manner) current and future technologies and protocols in the healthcare system as well as to sustain the innovation they will bring about

Funding Source: 
iniziative di ricerca per tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale -
Project Timeframe: 
01 Dec 2022 to 31 Aug 2026



1 CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Public Research Institution2 UNIPV Università di Pavia Public University3 UNINA Università di Napoli Federico II Public University4 SSSA Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Public Research Institution5 UNIFI Università di Firenze Public University6 UNIGE Università di Genova Public University7 UNIMORE Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Public University8 UNIPI Università di Pisa Public University9 UNISI Università di Siena Public University10 UCBM Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Private University 11 IIT Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Public Research Institution 12 INAIL Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro Centro Protesi Inail di Vigorso di Budrio Public clinical center 13 IG IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini Public clinical center14 ISM IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino Public clinical center15 IM IRCCS - Associazione La Nostra Famiglia 'Istituto Scientifico Eugenio Medea Private clinical center16 ICSM IRCCS Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri Private clinical center17 FDG IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Private clinical center18 FM IRCCS Fondazione Mondino Private clinical center19 FSM Fondazione Stella Maris Private clinical center20 COTM Cure Ortopediche Traumatologiche S.P.A. Private clinical center21 FPUCBM Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico Private clinical center22 VBV Congregazione Suore Infermiere dell’Addolorata Private clinical center23 EUS Eustema S.p.A. Private company 24 IO ITEM OXYGEN SRL Private company 25 TB Tecnobody s.r.l. Private company 

Project Status: 
Project ID: 