Contract Nets for Evaluating Agent Trustworthiness

In this paper we use a contract net protocol in order to compare various delegation strategies. We have implemented some different agents, having a set of tasks to delegate (or to perform by themselves); the tasks are performed by the agents in a dynamic environment, that can help or worse their activity. The agent rely upon different strategies in order to choose whom to delegate. We implemented three classes of trustiers: a random trustier (who randomly chooses the trustee whom delegate the task to); a statistical trustier (who builds the trustworthiness of other agents only on the basis of their previous performances); a cognitive trustier (who builds a sophisticated and cognitively motivated trust model of the trustee, taking into account its specific features, its ability and motivational disposition, and the impact of the environment on its performance). Our experiments show the advantage of using cognitive representations.

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Falcone R.
Pezzulo G.
Castelfranchi, C.
Calvi G.
Springer, Berlin , Germania
Lecture notes in computer science 3577 (2005): 43–58. doi:10.1007/11532095_3
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Falcone R.; Pezzulo G.; Castelfranchi, C.; Calvi G./titolo:Contract Nets for Evaluating Agent Trustworthiness/doi:10.1007/11532095_3/rivista:Lecture notes in computer science/anno:2005/pagina_da:43/pagina_a:58/intervallo_pagine:
Resource Identifier:
ISTC Author: 
Ritratto di Rino Falcone
Real name: 
Ritratto di Giovanni Pezzulo
Real name: