Active Inference: a Process Theory

This article describes a process theory based on active inference and belief propagation. Starting from the premise that all neuronal processing (and action selection) can be explained by maximizing Bayesian model evidence--or minimizing variational free energy--we ask whether neuronal responses can be described as a gradient descent on variational free energy. Using a standard (Markov decision process) generative model, we derive the neuronal dynamics implicit in this description and reproduce a remarkable range of well-characterized neuronal phenomena. These include repetition suppression, mismatch negativity, violation responses, place-cell activity, phase precession, theta sequences, theta-gamma coupling, evidence accumulation, race-to-bound dynamics, and transfer of dopamine responses. Furthermore, the (approximately Bayes' optimal) behavior prescribed by these dynamics has a degree of face validity, providing a formal explanation for reward seeking, context learning, and epistemic foraging. Technically, the fact that a gradient descent appears to be a valid description of neuronal activity means that variational free energy is a Lyapunov function for neuronal dynamics, which therefore conform to Hamilton's principle of least action.

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Friston, Karl
FitzGerald, Thomas
Rigoli, Francesco., Schwartenbeck, Philipp
Pezzulo, Giovanni
MIT Press,, Cambridge, Mass. , Stati Uniti d'America
Neural computation (2016). doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00912
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Friston, Karl; FitzGerald, Thomas; Rigoli, Francesco., Schwartenbeck, Philipp; Pezzulo, Giovanni/titolo:Active Inference: a Process Theory/doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00912/rivista:Neural computation/anno:2016/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/interv
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ISTC Author: 
Ritratto di Giovanni Pezzulo
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