Children’s Independent Mobility in Italy
(edited by A. Alietti, D. Renzi, M. Vercesi and A. Prisco)
Children that go to school with an adult, by car more than by public transport.
This is the photography of the mobility of Italian children, taken by the “Laboratory of Psychology of Child Participation” of the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (Istc-Cnr) of Rome, the only Italian partner of the “Children’s Independent Mobility - Independent mobility as a critical aspect of children’s development and life quality” research project. This research, promoted by Policy Studies Institute (PSI) of London, consists of longitudinal comparison over four decades in England, a cultural comparison over two decades with Germany, and an international extension to other countries. Here we will present a first comparison between Italy, England and Germany.
The aim of this research is to explore children’s independent mobility – that is the degree to which children of different ages are allowed to make trips to school, to friends, to shops and to other destinations unaccompanied by adults, how this has changed over time and its implications for children’s personal and physical development.
The Italian report here: http://www.lacittadeibambini.org/ricerca/allegati/Report%20italiano1.pdf
The PSI full report here: http://www.psi.org.uk/index.php/site/news_article/851