Synthesis of autonomous robots through evolution

Evolutionary robotics is the attempt to develop robots through a self-
organized process based on artificial evolution. This approach stresses
the importance of the study of systems that: (1) have a body and are
situated in a physical environment, and (2) autonomously develop their
own skills in close interaction with the environment. In this article we
will briefly illustrate the method and the main idea, we will review the
most significant contribution in this area and finally, we will discuss
some of the contributions that this research area is making to the
foundational debate in cognitive science.

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Nolfi S.
Floreano D.
Elsevier Science,, Oxford , Regno Unito
Trends in cognitive sciences (Regul. ed.) 6 (2002): 31–37.
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Nolfi S., Floreano D./titolo:Synthesis of autonomous robots through evolution/doi:/rivista:Trends in cognitive sciences (Regul. ed.)/anno:2002/pagina_da:31/pagina_a:37/intervallo_pagine:31–37/volume:6
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ISTC Author: 
Ritratto di Stefano Nolfi
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