A Schema Based Model of the Praying Mantis.

We present a schema-based agent architecture which is inspired by an ethological model of the praying mantis. It includes an inner state, perceptual and motor schemas, several routines, a fovea and a motor. We describe the design and implementation of the architecture and we use it for comparing two models: the former uses reactive, stimulus-response schemas; the latter involves also forward models, which are used by the schemas for generating predictions. Our results show an advantage in using anticipatory components inside the schemas

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Pezzulo G.
Calvi G.
Springer, Berlin , Germania
Lecture notes in computer science 4095 (2006): 211–223.
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Pezzulo G.; Calvi G./titolo:A Schema Based Model of the Praying Mantis./doi:/rivista:Lecture notes in computer science/anno:2006/pagina_da:211/pagina_a:223/intervallo_pagine:211–223/volume:4095
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