An Ontological View of Components and Interactions in Behaviorally Adaptive Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Socio-Technical Systems (STS) are two popular paradigms for the analysis and modeling of engineering and social systems. These paradigms are complementary and particularly apt to model complex adaptive behaviors from both the component and system points of view. Notwithstanding historical and methodological differences, nowadays research in CPS and in STS converge to study similar system characteristics. The integration of expertise from both these domains can help to develop new approaches to study information- and human-centered systems like factories in Industry 4.0 and urban environments. To foster their integration, an overarching framework and a coherent conceptualization of adaptive systems must be put forward. This paper faces the challenge by the introduction of core distinctions, the characterization of the class of Agent-based Cyber-Physical Social System (ACPSS), and the development of an ontology-based framework. The paper builds on the traditional notions of component and interaction here re-elaborated from a domain-neutral viewpoint. The outcome of this analysis is proposed as a foundational basis to model behaviorally adaptive engineering systems.

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Borgo Stefano
Society for Design and Process Science,, Austin, Tex. , Stati Uniti d'America
Journal of integrated design & process science (2019): 1–19. doi:10.3233/JID190013
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Borgo Stefano/titolo:An Ontological View of Components and Interactions in Behaviorally Adaptive Systems/doi:10.3233/JID190013/rivista:Journal of integrated design & process science/anno:2019/pagina_da:1/pagina_a:19/intervallo_p
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ISTC Author: 
Ritratto di Stefano Borgo
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