An Italian Stress-in-Syllables database for reading research.



Sulpizio, Simone^, Spinelli, Giacomo°, & Burani, Cristina*


^ University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano

° Western University, London, Ontario, Canada

* Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council (CNR), Rome



STRESYL is a database for Italian containing information about syllables, syllabic structures, and stress. The database offers type and token measures relating stress information to syllable units, both in terms of syllable forms and syllabic structures. STRESYL can be a valuable tool for researchers to investigate the relation between syllables and stress in Italian. The database is designed as a user-friendly resource; it comes as two components: The first component is an augmented version of PhonItalia (Goslin, Galluzzi, & Romani, 2014); the second component consists of summary tables, a set of charts listing all syllable forms and syllabic CV-structures, with respective type and token measures in relation to stress.



The files are available for free

download: STRESYL



For a detailed description, see


Sulpizio, S., Spinelli, G., & Burani, C. (2017). STRESYL – An Italian Stress-in-Syllables database for reading research. Written Language & Literacy, 20(1), 80-103.


For further information, please contact Dr. Simone Sulpizio,