Consensus Paper: The Cerebellum's Role in Movement and Cognition

While the cerebellum's role in motor function is well recognized, the nature of its concurrent role in cognitive function remains considerably less clear. The current consensus paper gathers diverse views on a variety of important roles played by the cerebellum across a range of cognitive and emotional functions. This paper considers the cerebellum in relation to neurocognitive development, language function, working memory, executive function, and the development of cerebellar internal control models and reflects upon some of the ways in which better understanding the cerebellum's status as a "supervised learning machine" can enrich our ability to understand human function and adaptation. As all contributors agree that the cerebellum plays a role in cognition, there is also an agreement that this conclusion remains highly inferential. Many conclusions about the role of the cerebellum in cognition originate from applying known information about cerebellar contributions to the coordination and quality of movement. These inferences are based on the uniformity of the cerebellum's compositional infrastructure and its apparent modular organization. There is considerable support for this view, based upon observations of patients with pathology within the cerebellum.

Publication type: 
Author or Creator: 
Koziol, Leonard F.
Budding, Deborah
Andreasen, Nancy
D'Arrigo, Stefano
Bulgheroni, Sara
Imamizu, Hiroshi
Ito, Masao
Manto, Mario
Marvel, Cherie
Parker, Krystal
Pezzulo, Giovanni
Ramnani, Narender
Riva, Daria
Schmahmann, Jeremy
Vandervert, Larry
Yamazaki, Tadashi
Springer, New York , Regno Unito
Cerebellum (Lond., Print) 13 (2014): 151–177. doi:10.1007/s12311-013-0511-x
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Koziol, Leonard F.; Budding, Deborah; Andreasen, Nancy; D'Arrigo, Stefano; Bulgheroni, Sara; Imamizu, Hiroshi; Ito, Masao; Manto, Mario; Marvel, Cherie; Parker, Krystal; Pezzulo, Giovanni; Ramnani, Narender; Riva, Daria; Schmahm
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ISTC Author: 
Giovanni Pezzulo's picture
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